A powerful energy massage with lymph drainage

A powerful experience includes identifying chakra and meridian imbalance, gentle, stroking massage movements and pressure on the acupressure points and meridians, Neuro Emotional, Neuro Lymphatic, Neuro Vascular corrections, specific chakra music combined with specific aromatherapy oils. This massage will bring about great relaxation and reduce inflammation, pain and stress and move lymph.

If you are in need of energy healing and nurturing this is definitely the massage for you.

Book with me by sending a WhatsApp on 065 924 7332 with your preferred day and time for a treatment.

Massages are good for you

What’s not to love about getting a relaxing massage? On a primal level, being gently touched sends a signal of safety to our core. It harkens back to infancy, when being swaddled and cared for by others was essential to our survival. We are literally hardwired for touch! When deprived of it, especially in infancy, serious physical and psychological issues can result. Conversely, proper application of therapeutic touch can be used as an effective adjunct therapy to create better health outcomes across a spectrum of diseases. Simply put, touch makes us feel better. And when we feel better, we often get better.

Greenmedinfo’s Research Database has eighty-five unique abstracts on the healing powers of massage and therapeutic touch. These scientific studies have proven the usefulness of touch therapy for a variety of conditions. Massage is a stand-out treatment in the area of pain management and is non-drug option for sufferers of numerous psychological disorders, such as anxiety and depression, insomnia, and anorexia nervosa. With pain-pill addiction driving the nation’s ongoing drug overdose tragedy, studies on massage for treating pain are especially encouraging. It has proven effective at alleviating pain caused by numerous conditions, including lower-back and knee problems, fibromyalgia, as well as pain associated with cancer treatment, and complications of diabetes.

Massage’s holistic healing effects are due, in part, to the release of endorphins, the body’s natural “feel good” hormones and neuropeptides. Gentle touch stimulates endorphins, enhancing feelings of pleasure and security. We also benefit through connecting with another person, which is itself a form of healing energy. In addition to easing pain, massage decreases levels of stress and anxiety, conveying a greater healing benefit to patients. Massage is a “feel good” prescription, making it a natural alternative to antidepressants and sleep-aids, medications that, along with painkillers, have the highest rates of addiction. A regular regimen of massage can even help people who are stepping down from pharmaceutical medications, or breaking the addictive hold of nicotine and alcohol.

  • extract taken from wakeup-world.com

Receive 8 treatments in one, in 30 minutes, for just R430

ozone1The Hocatt (Hyperthermic Ozone and Carbonic Acid Transdermal Technology) acts as an ozone steam sauna, in which patients sit with just their head exposed, while their body receives the benefits of an infusion of ozone, carbon dioxide, steam, aromatherapy oils, Photon light, Far Infrared and electromagnetic therapy (rife).
The steam sauna heats up to a comfortable temperature and then carbon dioxide gas (carbonic acid) is infused into the sauna. After this, the sauna is infused with ozone gas. The heat and the carbon dioxide serve to open the circulation to the skin so that when the ozone gas is infused it is absorbed by the skin into the general circulation.
As steam gently fills the sauna, the Photon and FIR light penetrates the skin to help increase blood flow and circulation. Photon breaks any painful inflammatory cycle by dilating small blood and lymphatic vessels. This increase in circulation can result in accelerated healing and pain relief together with the Rife treatment which is administered at the same time.
Throughout the treatment, the patient’s head is outside the ozone steam cabinet and they are given an additional boost by inhaling pure oxygen throughout the 30-minute session.

The health benefits of having a session in the Hocatt ozone steam sauna are extensive. It increases circulation, promotes energy, naturally stimulates anti-oxidant enzyme production, improves absorption of nutrients, improves skin tone, detoxifies, kills pathogens and helps relieve many chronic health problems.

Ozone steam sauna benefits overview:
• Increases blood circulation
• Increases blood oxygen level and metabolism (anti-aging)
• Increases core body temperature
• Combats and disposes of pathogens and toxins (detox)
• Relaxes muscle tension
• Increases energy levels
• Increases Serotonin levels (relaxing)
• Burns up to 600 calories per session
• Activates skin tissue
• Enhances sports performance

For an appointment please call 044 382 0477

Knysna a top destination for wellness, weight-loss and healing

Knysna is a top holiday destination offering temperate weather, amazing nature and forests for hikes and biking, lovely beaches and lagoons and lies in close proximity to wine and tea farms and various animal sanctuaries.

Knysna also offers a variety of beauty, health and healing options where you can spoil yourself, de-stress, rejuvenate, heal or lose weight while on holiday.

Some of the services available for you while visiting our beautiful town:

Reduce stress, improve circulation, soothes anxiety, loosens muscles and tendons, reduce pain, eliminate toxins, improve flexibility, improve sleep, reduce fatigue, relieve headaches, counteract postural stress and drains lymph.

Specialised Kinesiology
Kinesiology is the science of assessing the energetic systems of a person for balanced function, by using the change of physiological response through the muscular system as feedback. Using this same feedback, Kinesiology identifies any non-invasive treatment strategy to primarily affect and balance the energetic systems of a person for the purpose of promoting, restoring and maintaining health.

NLS Diagnostic Therapy

The application of nonlinear diagnostics is a true breakthrough in the field of diagnostic medicine, allowing for the correct determination of the cause of the disease, and consequently, select and prescribed effective treatment.

We can test the condition of biological and fine energy bodies, detect bio-photon waves of biological homeostasis, brain waves, detect quantum energy vibration levels of 874 cells and the frequency spectrum of any drug.

Iridology and Sclerodology

Irisdiagnosis is a natural non-invasive diagnostic method that used the Iris (colour part of the eye), Sclere (white of the eye) and Pupil (dark middle of the eye) to help a trained Iridologist to accurately assess the health status of a person’s body.

An Iridology assessment provides the trained Iridologist with information about the root cause of ailments, strengths and weaknesses of all organ systems and tissues within the body, as well as inherited genetic disease patterns.

A great advantage of Iridology is that it provides information about the status of vital processes in the body. By vital processes we mean both disease causing (e.g. poor waste clearance) and health maintaining processes (e.g. blood circulation). It allows the practitioner to detect signs of biochemical and physiological function and dysfunction in the body before symptoms of disease appear, therefore it is great as a health maintenance method.

Electrotherapy (Rife)
Arthritis, influenza, bronchitis, tonsillitis, shingles, candidiasis, fibrositis, chronic fatigue syndrome, glandular fever, cellulitis, sports injuries and many other acute and chronic diseases. Not only are viruses and other pathogens destroyed, but also damaged tissues are detoxified and regenerated. Rife is also very effective for inflammation and pain.

Ozone therapy
Removes fat, eliminates cellulite, restores skin elasticity and combats stretch marks, slows down effects of aging by stimulating collagen fibers, stimulates oxygen metabolism, alkalises and detoxes the body. Beneficial for various diseases including muscle-skeletal disorders, coronary vascular insufficiency, migraine, hypertension, skin disorders, neurological disorders, autoimmune diseases, stress, inflammation, wound treatment, allergies, sleep disorders and injuries.

Cryo therapy
Weight loss, breaks down fat and cellulite, restores skin elasticity, lymph drainage, pain relief, improved blood circulation. Carries fewer risks, much less invasive, no scarring and a lot cheaper than liposuction. Plus you could see up to 2cm loss per session.
Combined with the cryotherapy we offer cavitation, lipo laser and radio frequency treatments which break down fats, firm and tone skin and minimise stretch marks.

If you are visiting Knysna these coming holidays, do pop in and try some of these treatments.

Ozone for sportsmen and women

runnerOzone oxygenates the tissues, while also increasing the production of ATP. This shortens recovery times from sports injuries and high intensity exercise and increases energy levels. It also assists with sore muscles and slows anaerobic fermentation which combats the building up of lactic acid in muscles.
Studies have shown that ozone therapy can help increase an athlete’s endurance, the capacity to build muscle, and even increases brain function. It also increases blood flow to the heart, which reduces the amount of strain your body takes during a workout.
One of the conducted studies showed that male runners who engaged on an average of 12- to 30- minute sessions twice a week (immediately after intense running sessions) experienced a 32% increase in the distance they could run before reaching the point of exhaustion. Another case study showed that a group of athletes who underwent frequent sessions in between training increased their physical fitness by 53.7%, as opposed to the 11.55% of the group who did not.
Benefits of ozone treatment for sportsmen and women:
• Increased tissue oxygenation
• Higher levels of ATP, resulting in more energy and faster recovery
• reduced lactic acid build-up
• Prevention of sore muscles
• Reduced swelling, bruising and pain, and faster healing
• Could increase performance

Whole systems thinking to balance

There are a few key principles to health, happiness and balance:

  • Fasting
  • Detoxing/cleansing (the body and mind)
  • Healthy eating plan
  • Light exercise
  • Enough sleep
  • Positive thinking and gratitude
  • Massage
  • Balance/moderation
  • Meditation/relaxation
  • Pursuing your purpose

Specialised Kinesiology can assist you with this process Call 082 602 2882 to book a consultation.

The laws of health

When confronted with a health challenge, whether a loss of energy or a medically diagnosed, chronic condition label, it is important that you understand what you are dealing with.

Every cell in the body is like a little battery. Every organ, gland and system in your body is made up of cells. In order for your body to function healthily, you must have full cellular power.

If any part of the body shows signs of pain, degeneration, illness or disease, then it’s not the part or system that is affected, it’s the cells in the part or system that are affected.

Every cell needs oxygen to convert glucose into ATP. ATP is the cell fuel or energy that maintains a delicate mineral balance in and around your cells. It’s this delicate balance that accounts for the electrical potential of your cells, without it you are powerless.

In order to get oxygen and remain healthy, your cells must be in a Living, Dry state. If the Living, Dry state is altered you will experience pain, degeneration, illness and disease and ultimately death.

Only one thing can alter the Living, Dry state and that is trapped blood protein. Trapped blood protein pulls water out of the blood stream, reducing the energy field and altering the Living, Dry state.

This only happens when you break the Pure Laws of Health.

The laws are:

1.         Everybody must work…optimal health relies completely upon circulation – the circulation of the blood to deliver essential ‘groceries’ and the circulation of the lymph to ‘do the dishes’. While movement is fundamental to good circulation, it is primarily through breathing that constant flow is maintained.

2.         Don’t argue quarrel or fight…don’t stress yourself physically, emotionally or mentally. Stress is like a shock to the system, it dilates your blood vessels causing massive blood protein loss.

3.         Don’t defile your body . . . if you put anything unnatural into your body you are quite literally poisoning yourself. Make sure that the food you eat is nourishing your body. Even the healthiest body is susceptible to environmental toxins as well as having its own metabolic waste; therefore it must also regularly be cleared, through cleansing.

In conclusion, in the Wet state, four primary conditions arise that lead to every diagnosed symptom of pain, degeneration, illness, disease and ultimately death.

These are oxygen deprivation, dehydration, acidity and nutrient deficiency.


*Extract from the brilliant book by Keith Armour McFarlane, Neo health. I can strongly recommend that everyone should read this book. You can order it from www.healsa.co.za


Stress – Emotional, mental & physical

When we find ourselves in situations where what we are doing is not aligned with our values and beliefs, we experience stress and often with that, some pain. If we are focussing more energy in any one of these quadrants (emotional, mental, physical, spiritual) then one or more of the other quadrants will suffer.  This is when we experience imbalance.

When we don’t feel heard, or despite best efforts we don’t get the desired results, or even when we overwork our bodies or minds to achieve acceptance, we go out of balance and usually one area or more will suffer.

Symptoms of this stress could include:

Relationship problems


Weight issues



Lack of direction and focus


Specialised Kinesiology has proven very successful in dealing with the above symptoms and redefining values and beliefs to assist people in living more balanced and happier lives.

I look forward to assisting you with your journey to a happier, less stressed life.

Book a consultation

Tune in and connect


Looking for balance and improved health –  be it physical, mental or emotional? Are you ready to heal and feel healthy again?

Do you want to shed the excess kg’s?

Or do you just need a relaxing massage to reduce stress and unwind?

From out of town? No problem. You can book one of our retreats where we can facilitate your recovery and include some sight seeing of our beautiful town.

You are welcome to call or WhatsApp me on 065 924 7332. I look forward to assisting you.