Trending – Complementary health therapies

Trend watchers all over the world have predicted for many years now that more and more people are looking to complementary and integrative health modalities for their health. This will be even more so in 2022.

People are becoming more conscious of the reality that we are vibrational, frequency, energy beings.
Complementary health therapies address the mental, physical, spiritual and emotional energy imbalance within us when we experience dis-ease symptoms.

Specialised Kinesiology
Specialised Kinesiology is a complementary health therapy based on eastern and western teachings, which essentially makes use of muscle testing to assist a person in getting to the bottom of their energy imbalances, in order to get back to homeostasis and optimal health.
Kinesiologists use muscle feedback as a stress monitor to identify imbalances in their client’s structural, chemical, mental and emotional energy systems. By correcting these imbalances the kinesiologist is able to re-activate the body’s built-in healing ability as well as identify external factors affecting the client’s well-being.

Kinesiology does NOT diagnose, prescribe or treat in any way, medical conditions or named diseases; nor does it attempt to keep people away from doctors, drugs, surgery, or the skills of any heal professional when they need them. Kinesiologists do not treat diseases or ‘conditions’. The best form of treatment for a client is integrating complementary treatment with their traditional, medical treatment programme.
Kinesiologists believe that when you are experiencing discomfort, it’s merely your body trying to ‘talk to you’. Instead of suppressing symptoms (messages), an alternative approach is to try kinesiology to establish what the cause of the issue is.
Specialised Kinesiology has shown to be really beneficial for:
• Headaches
• Emotional problems
• Depression
• Stress
• Learning difficulties, ADD, ADHD
• Pain – Neck pain, back pain, muscle pain, joint pain
• Insomnia
• Low blood sugar
• Sinusitis
• Food allergies and sensitivities
• Recurrent infections
• Fatigue, chronic tiredness, lacking energy
• Relationship difficulties
• Low self esteem
• Phobias
• Addictions
• Skin problems
• Digestive disorders, chronic constipation, stomach pain, colitis
• Menstrual problems

Tap in to tune in to what’s causing stress and imbalance in your life. Your body is the messenger and holds the answers.

Gillian O’Shea | Specialised Kinesiologist in the Western Cape |
For more information on Specialised Kinesiology
For a directory of kinesiologists in South Africa

Make yourself your No 1 in 2021

Diet, lifestyle, environment, medications, and stress can all affect our immune system, leading to allergies, hypersensitivities, fatigue, bloating and other symptoms.

Do you suffer from a few of these symptoms?

Sinus, postnasal drip, headaches, insomnia, weight gain, flatulence, bloating, dark rings under the eyes, asthma, irritability, piles, fatigue, depression, thrush, water retention, inflammation, joint pain, skin irritations, diarrhea or constipation?

A Kinesiology consultation can provide you with some insight and into what is going on with your body and some relief, so you can feel healthier and have more energy.

Make 2021 the year you learn to tune in to your body to listen to and decipher the messages its giving you, so that you can get back into balance and have the vitality to live your best life.

What to expect from a kinesiology session…..

Factors that lead to allergy symptoms….

Allergies, pathogens & toxins

In Specialised Kinesiology we prefer to talk about Immune Mismatch Responses (IMR) instead of allergies.

Immune Mismatch Responses happen when our bodies react to certain foodstuffs or environmental factors. Specialised Kinesiology has proven very successful in working with these.

Common causes

Wheat, dairy, chemicals, sugar, eggs, grass, nuts, pollen seafood and feathers are some antagonists but each person is different and one could have reactions to almost anything. Trauma is also found to trigger reactions.


Some symptoms include runny nose, sinusitis, sneezing, itchiness, irritability, insomnia, hives, bloating, stomach cramps, redness, dark circles under the eyes, coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath.

Pathogens and toxicity

When our system is overloaded with pathogens or toxins and cannot cope with eliminating them, one can also get all the above symptoms. When the immune system is compromised, that’s when pathogens are opportunistic. They also thrive in an acidic environment. It’s beneficial to check for these and general imbalances in the microbiome.

We use a combination of kinesiology, iridology, nutritional support and Rife to deal with the cause of symptoms from allergens, pathogens and toxins.


The Rife Resonator is a machine that generates electro-magnetic frequencies, which are relayed through the body via the hands or the feet.

In 1920 the late Dr Royal Raymond Rife designed and built a special light microscope with which he could visualise live viruses. He discovered that each virus, bacterium and parasite was fatally sensitive to a specific wave frequency, which he was able to witness through the lens of his microscope.

This principle is similar to that whereby a glass is shattered by a musical note at just the right pitch. Thus an organism can be selectively destroyed without harming the surrounding tissue. This principle can be applied to the human body with absolute safety and great efficacy.

These RIFE frequencies can be used in the treatment of many conditions, such as: arthritis, influenza, bronchitis, tonsillitis, shingles, candidiasis, fibrositis, chronic fatigue syndrome, glandular fever, cellulitis, sports injuries and many other acute and chronic diseases.

Not only are viruses and other pathogens destroyed, but also damaged tissues are detoxified and regenerated and stress is reduced [reactive treatment]. RIFE therapy can therefore also be used to enhance general health and prevent illness [prophylactic treatment].

Stress – Emotional, mental & physical

When we find ourselves in situations where what we are doing is not aligned with our values and beliefs, we experience stress and often with that, some pain. If we are focussing more energy in any one of these quadrants (emotional, mental, physical, spiritual) then one or more of the other quadrants will suffer.  This is when we experience imbalance.

When we don’t feel heard, or despite best efforts we don’t get the desired results, or even when we overwork our bodies or minds to achieve acceptance, we go out of balance and usually one area or more will suffer.

Symptoms of this stress could include:

Relationship problems


Weight issues



Lack of direction and focus


Specialised Kinesiology has proven very successful in dealing with the above symptoms and redefining values and beliefs to assist people in living more balanced and happier lives.

I look forward to assisting you with your journey to a happier, less stressed life.

Book a consultation

Kinesiology Massage

There are few things in life as wonderful as a decent, relaxing, massage especially when you are feeling stressed or your muscles are spasming in your neck, hips and lower back.

As a kinesiologist, with a deeper understanding of anatomy, meridians, chakras and acupressure points, I have developed a massage which combines my kinesiology training with massage in order to offer a deeper balancing experience for my clients. Ultimately, I want to assist you to get to the bottom of your symptoms and not just offer another treatment to treat your current symptoms. I also incorporate healing sound frequencies and essential oils in this massage.

What is Specialised Kinesiology?

Sometimes we find ourselves in distress.  This is our body’s way of indicating that we are “off track” or not coping in one or more areas of our life.  In other words we need to pay attention to the signals and find a way to adapt and deal with the situation appropriately.

When we are presented with dis-ease symptoms it is a message from the body that we are not living to our full potential and it is time to address those factors that are limiting us.  To address this imbalance kinesiology is used as a method of finding the underlying cause or issue.

Kinesiology as we know it today was originally developed by the American chiropractor Dr John Goodheart in the 1960’s to enhance and improve the quality of his treatments.  Since then it has evolved into many different branches, all based on the scientific, neurological workings of the body.


The International Association Of Specialised Kinesiologists (IASK) Definition

“Kinesiology is the science of assessing the energetic systems of a person for balanced function, by using the change of physiological response through the muscular system as feedback. Using this same feedback, Kinesiology identifies any non-invasive treatment strategy to primarily affect and balance the energetic systems of a person for the purpose of promoting, restoring and maintaining health.”

It defines “Specialised Kinesiology as:
“Specialised kinesiology (SK) is a term used to describe the collective activity of all the different types and models of kinesiology that arise from the diverse applications of Kinesiology (muscle testing). SK is any type of Kinesiology that is accredited and recognised according to the categories created by IASK

Muscle Testing

Kinesiology is the organized use of “Muscle Testing” as a verification tool in a series of tests or protocols to achieve a particular end result or goal.  This is how the tool of muscle testing is applied.

Adaption is the ability of all the systems in the person to work together to create changes that suit the desired result in that particular circumstance.  Kinesiology is used to find where and how a person is unable to adapt appropriately.”

The Beginning of Understanding Kinesiology – Andrew Verity

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Tune in and connect


Looking for balance and improved health –  be it physical, mental or emotional? Are you ready to heal and feel healthy again?

Do you want to shed the excess kg’s?

Or do you just need a relaxing massage to reduce stress and unwind?

From out of town? No problem. You can book one of our retreats where we can facilitate your recovery and include some sight seeing of our beautiful town.

You are welcome to call or WhatsApp me on 065 924 7332. I look forward to assisting you.