Unique couples massage

Experience a unique massage comprising 45 minutes of fascia stretch, reflexology, vagus nerve stimulation, kinesiology techniques and gentle lymph drainage with Gillian and 45 minutes Bali massage working on acupressure points and deep tissue massage with Monique. Very relaxing experience for couples, friends and family.

Pay it forward – Massaging for a good cause


If you live in Knysna, then you surely are aware that KAWS (Knysna Animal Welfare Society) does such an amazing job, every day, despite quite a few challenges.

Every December, I normally run specials for my clients to say thank you for the valued support throughout the year. This December, I would really like to be able to support KAWS with a donation.

I will be donating R200 from EVERY massage booked to KAWS this month.

Here is your chance to also support a really good cause AND at the same time spoil yourself! I look forward to pampering you. Limited space so please book timeously and thank you in advance for helping me to do this. xx

PS: Gift vouchers are available if you want to spoil a loved one with a pamper.

Knysna massages in support of KAWS

Vagus Nerve Massage for Stress Relief

Anxiety is a survival mechanism, but when you experience anxiety in situations where you are safe, it could be because your nervous system has gotten “stuck” in danger mode. This is when your parasympathetic nervous system is not kicking in and happens when we spend a lot of time in fight or flight mode.

Research has shown a correlation between many chronic diseases and a person’s history of stressful events.

Most anxiety treatments focus on changing your thoughts however you may need a body correction to shift your nervous system out of danger mode and back into safe mode.

During a vagus nerve stimulation massage, pressure is applied to key areas on the head, neck, ears, feet and stomach. This experience is very relaxing and helps to reset your autonomic nervous system, to help your body deal with stress.

As you can see from the image below, all these functions can be affected if the parasympathetic nervous system is not working properly;

If stress or anxiety is affecting your breathing or digestion, this could really bring relief for you.

During a therapeutic massage session with me, one of the areas I focus on is stress relief by combining vagus nerve stimulation. Book your massage with me to experience this stress release.

If you found this information helpful and would like to receive more health tips, please

follow my page or subscribe to my monthly newsletter.

A powerful energy massage with lymph drainage

A powerful experience includes identifying chakra and meridian imbalance, gentle, stroking massage movements and pressure on the acupressure points and meridians, Neuro Emotional, Neuro Lymphatic, Neuro Vascular corrections, specific chakra music combined with specific aromatherapy oils. This massage will bring about great relaxation and reduce inflammation, pain and stress and move lymph.

If you are in need of energy healing and nurturing this is definitely the massage for you.

Book with me by sending a WhatsApp on 065 924 7332 with your preferred day and time for a treatment.

Slow down aging. Increase immunity with regular lymph massages

Get glowing skin, tone up, and reduce inflammation, boost your immunity, improve digestion, clear congestion, and reduce stress in the body.

When you get a lymphatic massage, you are working the fluid layer that removes excess stagnant toxins in your tissues that may be making you feel unwell, lethargic, heavy, achy, bloated, slow to heal, and prone to common colds and illness.

The lymphatic system plays an important role of keeping the immune system functioning. Adverse lifestyle choices, stress, toxins, pathogens, pregnancy, surgeries and medications compromise the immune system. A sluggish lymphatic system can lead to major imbalance and a diseased state.

During a manual lymph drainage massage a therapist will gently massage you from your feet to your head as your lymphatic system runs throughout your body.

It is unfortunate that many western massage therapists overlook the stomach. When you massage your stomach, you can increase the movement of your vital organs and improve your digestion. Many of us store stress in our abdomens. Lymphatic massage around your colon can also reduce belly fat and increase energy.

Symptoms that your lymph may not be functioning optimally:

• Rings get tight on fingers

• Soreness and/or stiffness in the morning on rising

• Feeling tired

• Bloating / Holding on to water

• Itchy skin

• Weight gain and extra belly fat

• Swollen glands

• Low immunity

• Brain fog

• Breast swelling or soreness with each cycle

• Dry skin

• Mild rash or acne

• Hypersensitivity

• Mild headaches

• Elevated histamine and irritation due to common environmental allergens

• Occasional constipation, diarrhea, and/or mucus in the stool

Benefits of lymph massage:

  • Improve Digestion
  • Reduce bloating
  • Boost metabolism
  • Circulate virus fighting white blood cells
  • Remove excess built up toxins from your tissues
  • Boost your Immune system
  • Improve skin conditions
  • Increase energy
  • Reduce brain fog
  • Improve appearance of cellulite if performed a regular basis
  • Clear ear congestion
  • Reduce headaches
  • Speed up recovery from injury and wounds

Lymphatic drainage can benefit these issues:

  • Edema
  • Skin disorders, such as acne, rosacea, eczema
  • Metabolic problems, including fatigue, sleep disorders, chronic pain and stress
  • Gastrointestinal issues, such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), celiac and Crohn’s disease and constipation
  • Rheumatology disorders, like arthritis and osteoporosis, and Fibromyalgia
  • Neurologic problems such as migraines and vertigo
  • Respiratory congestion, sinus
Tips for Lymphatic System support:
Deep breathing- Deep diaphragmatic breathing stimulates the largest lymphatic vessel in your body- the thoracic duct- which brings the fluid from the lower half of your body up towards your heart.  I recommend watching how Wim Hoff does it. Not only will this benefit your lymphatic system it will increase your immunity and calm your mind if you make it a regular practice.

Hydrate - Try warm lemon water 
Exercise- Some of the best forms include rebounding on a trampoline, biking, swimming, dancing, yoga (especially inversions and twists) and walking.

Get adequate sleep- The Glymphatic system in your brain works with your CSF (cerebral spinal fluid) to clear out plaque when you’re asleep.

Infrared saunas and ozone pods will help decrease inflammation and sweating will help flush toxins from the surface of your skin.

Dry-brushing- before you shower, at least 3 times a week, is a simple and affordable way to increase lymphatic circulation, improve appearance of cellulite and increase your energy. 

Use clean non-toxic skin care and home products - This is essential! Some hormone imbalances can be attributed to the hidden chemicals in products. Your lymph system picks up excess hormones that are too big to get absorbed by blood vessels.
Stop stressing -  It wreaks havoc on your digestion, your mind, your heart, your soul and your lymph.

Eat a clean, healthy diet- avoid processed foods, sugar, alcohol, tobacco, dairy, gluten and salt as much as you can. Incorporate anti-inflammatory herbs when you cook and eat more organic vegetables and fruits.

Find Joy- when we nurture ourselves and find simple ways to experience joy, we increase our health and spread love and happiness to others.

I offer full body lymph drainage massages to assist with lymph drainage and circulation issues. Call or WhatsApp on 065 924 7332 to book your massage.


I was suffering with severe pain and swelling of my left ankle for more than a year. Several visits to doctors, specialists, MRI scans, sonars and X-rays and thousands of rands later no one had a solution. After only one lymphatic drainage massage and ozone treatment with Gillian, to my surprise, there was an immediate improvement. After the 3 rd treatment I could walk normally and the swelling was gone . My last treatment was more than a month ago and no swelling, no pain and no medication. I recommend this treatment. It sure changed my life.


The most incredible massages I have ever had. I’ve been for four already over the last two months. The only way one can describe Gillian’s lymph drainage massages is that she tunes in to your body and senses what it needs.

Not only relaxing, the times with Gillian extend into deeply meaningful explorations of where one is at with one’s life.

Every session with Gillian is a truly remarkable and enriching experience. I cannot recommend her highly enough.


Gillian is outstanding. Her knowledge and guidance shine through, and she has the gift of massage and healing. I am a massage therapist myself, and have never experienced a better massage and healing experience. I will visit her every time I come to Knysna, and highly recommend her.


Massages are good for you

What’s not to love about getting a relaxing massage? On a primal level, being gently touched sends a signal of safety to our core. It harkens back to infancy, when being swaddled and cared for by others was essential to our survival. We are literally hardwired for touch! When deprived of it, especially in infancy, serious physical and psychological issues can result. Conversely, proper application of therapeutic touch can be used as an effective adjunct therapy to create better health outcomes across a spectrum of diseases. Simply put, touch makes us feel better. And when we feel better, we often get better.

Greenmedinfo’s Research Database has eighty-five unique abstracts on the healing powers of massage and therapeutic touch. These scientific studies have proven the usefulness of touch therapy for a variety of conditions. Massage is a stand-out treatment in the area of pain management and is non-drug option for sufferers of numerous psychological disorders, such as anxiety and depression, insomnia, and anorexia nervosa. With pain-pill addiction driving the nation’s ongoing drug overdose tragedy, studies on massage for treating pain are especially encouraging. It has proven effective at alleviating pain caused by numerous conditions, including lower-back and knee problems, fibromyalgia, as well as pain associated with cancer treatment, and complications of diabetes.

Massage’s holistic healing effects are due, in part, to the release of endorphins, the body’s natural “feel good” hormones and neuropeptides. Gentle touch stimulates endorphins, enhancing feelings of pleasure and security. We also benefit through connecting with another person, which is itself a form of healing energy. In addition to easing pain, massage decreases levels of stress and anxiety, conveying a greater healing benefit to patients. Massage is a “feel good” prescription, making it a natural alternative to antidepressants and sleep-aids, medications that, along with painkillers, have the highest rates of addiction. A regular regimen of massage can even help people who are stepping down from pharmaceutical medications, or breaking the addictive hold of nicotine and alcohol.

  • extract taken from wakeup-world.com