Allergies, pathogens & toxins

In Specialised Kinesiology we prefer to talk about Immune Mismatch Responses (IMR) instead of allergies.

Immune Mismatch Responses happen when our bodies react to certain foodstuffs or environmental factors. Specialised Kinesiology has proven very successful in working with these.

Common causes

Wheat, dairy, chemicals, sugar, eggs, grass, nuts, pollen seafood and feathers are some antagonists but each person is different and one could have reactions to almost anything. Trauma is also found to trigger reactions.


Some symptoms include runny nose, sinusitis, sneezing, itchiness, irritability, insomnia, hives, bloating, stomach cramps, redness, dark circles under the eyes, coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath.

Pathogens and toxicity

When our system is overloaded with pathogens or toxins and cannot cope with eliminating them, one can also get all the above symptoms. When the immune system is compromised, that’s when pathogens are opportunistic. They also thrive in an acidic environment. It’s beneficial to check for these and general imbalances in the microbiome.

We use a combination of kinesiology, iridology, nutritional support and Rife to deal with the cause of symptoms from allergens, pathogens and toxins.


The Rife Resonator is a machine that generates electro-magnetic frequencies, which are relayed through the body via the hands or the feet.

In 1920 the late Dr Royal Raymond Rife designed and built a special light microscope with which he could visualise live viruses. He discovered that each virus, bacterium and parasite was fatally sensitive to a specific wave frequency, which he was able to witness through the lens of his microscope.

This principle is similar to that whereby a glass is shattered by a musical note at just the right pitch. Thus an organism can be selectively destroyed without harming the surrounding tissue. This principle can be applied to the human body with absolute safety and great efficacy.

These RIFE frequencies can be used in the treatment of many conditions, such as: arthritis, influenza, bronchitis, tonsillitis, shingles, candidiasis, fibrositis, chronic fatigue syndrome, glandular fever, cellulitis, sports injuries and many other acute and chronic diseases.

Not only are viruses and other pathogens destroyed, but also damaged tissues are detoxified and regenerated and stress is reduced [reactive treatment]. RIFE therapy can therefore also be used to enhance general health and prevent illness [prophylactic treatment].