3 weeks of frequency treatment together with natural medicines can offer huge benefits to your overall health.

Prevention is better than cure. I believe there are 3 main reasons for imbalance:

Stress (perceived or real)

Toxicity and


Some ‘symptoms‘ of imbalance are pain, weight gain, insomnia, hormonal imbalance, sugar imbalance, adrenal fatigue, depression, blood pressure issues, thyroid issues, inflammation, immune diseases and ‘allergies’ or just feeling stuck or without purpose. Hence these tend to be some of the symptoms that my clients present with when searching for help.

If you suffering from any physical imbalance, and you are experiencing symptoms such as pain, inflammation, sinus, allergies, insomnia, fatigue etc, this health scan may help you get to the bottom of your symptoms.

This non-invasive method of diagnosis is a major leap forward in the fields of bio-resonance and functional medicine.
Non-linear analysis systems (NLS) are advanced information technologies. The diagnosis equipment is based on the spectral analysis of the vortex magnetic field of any biological object.

The scanner is not only capable of picking up pathological processes in over 250 organs, tissues and cells, but is also capable of determining sub-clinical conditions before they manifest into pathology.
As the patient is being scanned, 3-dimensional anatomical models of the internal organs and physiological systems appear on the screen in front of them. Coloured marks placed upon the picture make it easier for the practitioner to determine the site of pathology. It is possible to identify degenerative processes in these organ systems and therefore implement therapeutic protocols in good time.
As these areas of pathology are identified, the software has the capability of going deeper into the organ tissues like a surgeon would take a biopsy and analyse on a cellular level.

80% improve in circulation after 3 months treatment

What are the Benefits?
Non-linear Scanning (NLS) scans your body in 3D and pinpoints the contributing factors and gets to the root of the cause, and treating them on the spot. BodySonic NLS is safe, cost effective and non-invasive – and accurate!

The technology can detect and correct the pathology in organs and body cells. It can localise where there are cell changes, inherited conditions, and finds the reason at the genetic level.

Frequency Treatment (MetaTherapy)
Once a scan is completed I preform Meta Therapy or oscillation therapy. This technology stimulates the target area with the appropriate resonate frequencies and re-energises the target area, such as the cells or organ, to restore the natural healing processes of the body.

Take a look at some real client examples of improvement after treatments.

Why give this a try?

The NLS is a non-invasive, safe, cost effective and extremely accurate piece of scientific health research equipment. It’s able to trace any condition in the body through changes in the resonance of tissues. Every object, small or large has its own individual frequency or oscillation. It vibrates at a different frequency from any other substance. Hence it can detect and match the frequency of any human body part, cell, microbe, parasite, chemical or organ.

How Does the NLS Work?

Testing takes place in person using a head piece with trigger sensors, or remotely using a hair sample which is scanned.

The NLS has a huge frequency library, which allows the probes to send out signals to the selected body organs, cells or pathogens asking it to identify itself. Various conditions change the course of the metabolic processes in the cells thus initiating changes in oscillation of the cells.

NLS allows three-dimensional scanning. It passes cellular cuts, tissue cuts, chromosome sets, separate chromosomes, and goes deeper to fragments of the DNA helix. The system records the frequency fluctuations of any cell/tissue/organ and adds them to the many thousands already held in the database for pathology (conditions) testing.

Rife Therapy

Every molecule in the universe has its own individual resonant frequency. Over many decades of intense research, frequencies specific to herpes, spinal meningitis, influenza, Lyme disease, cancer, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and an immense number of other conditions have been identified and captured in Rife Technology.

By increasing the intensity of the specific frequency of a living microbe, the microbes are distorted and totally disintegrated.

It is best to do a minimum of 10 scans and treatments over 3 weeks to see and feel results.

Scans and meta-therapy treatment is applied remotely, every alternate day for 3 weeks using your hair/DNA sample. Rife treatment is administered daily as support to bring down pathogen load and inflammation, reduce pain and promote cell healing.

Additional Support

In addition I will courier to you 3 tinctures to take as part of your 3 week programme. These will aid with detoxing and inflammation.

You are welcome to call or WhatsApp me on +27 65 924 7332 to book. As this comprehensive treatment protocol is time consuming I only take on 3 clients a week so please book timeously. I look forward to journeying with you.

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