Guard your thoughts…

Guard your thoughts because everything you do flows from them.

Our emotions are created from our neurotransmitters which are mainly in our gut. Therefore, what you eat, the state of your gut health will have an impact on your emotions, which create thoughts. The everyday stressors you perceive in your life also will affect your emotions and thoughts. So, will your core beliefs.

And so, your thoughts and emotions are not always originating from your true higher self. You are always connected to source (God, Gaia, Muhammed, whatever name you choose). Even when you forget this.

Practices of stillness, meditation, conscious focussed breathing, gratitude/appreciation exercises like daily journaling of all your blessings, prayer, walks in the forest or on the beach (nature) will be opportunities for you to connect to Source. From this place you can trust the feelings and thoughts that come.

Use your emotions to feel your way back to Wellbeing.

Esther Hicks.

We are all vibrational, energy beings. Whatever you give your attention to causes a vibration. Then by law of attraction that will come to you.

This may seem like a strange concept to you, but I know this to be true. You get what you think about whether you like or not. When you are worrying you are planning when you are dreaming you are planning. Try it.

May you be Happy, may you be Healthy, may you be Well

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